Sunday 21 August 2011

Planet of The Apes - Tim Burton

It is the year 2029: Astronaut Leo Davidson boards a pod cruiser on a Space Station for a "routine" reconnaissance mission. But an abrupt detour through a space time wormhole lands him on a strange planet where talking apes rule over the human race. With the help of a sympathetic chimpanzee activist named Ari and a small band of human rebels, Leo leads the effort to evade the advancing Gorilla Army led by General Thade and his most trusted warrior Attar. Now the race is on to reach a sacred temple within the planet's Forbidden Zone to discover the shocking secrets of mankind's past - and the key to its future.

As the new planet of the apes film has just been released, I decided it was time I watched the previous film.

I thought this film was entertaining, for the reason that it was laughably poor in places. The acting was very wooden and bad. The monkeys, sorry Apes, looked unrealistic and plastic, and the set design well....that was interesting in it self. Yes the story was ok, what it would be like if Apes took over the world. Basically throwing in some humour that is how we treat pets - put them in a cage, pat them on the head, and say good boy (I'm talking about dogs as an example) and their were some great one liners. But that was about it.

It amused me enough for us to watch it all the way through, and to watch it with a pinch of salt. And I am glad I have seen this film. However i can't say it was a great, a must see blockbuster.  Unless you want something to amuse yourself with.

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