Tuesday 27 September 2011

Tamara Drewe

This film follows the story of Tamara Drew, who returns home to a small village in Dorset after her mother dies to clear out the house and put it onto the Market. Along the way she gets engaged to a Rock Star and many mishaps ensue.

Gemma Arterton (Tamara) plays the character very well, and we have seen her in a few similar roles.  Its a very British film, with the same sense as St Trinian's (but i don't think it was as funny). It also had the same kind of cheesy british wit to this film, which was not always a bad thing.

I think the best characters in this were the two naughty school aged teenagers who really made this film what it was. Without them (although they were almost side line characters) i don't think this film would have been good.

The story was entertaining, albeit predictable. And although the twist - not made exactly clear by the story, nor was it heading that way, you knew it was coming.  Not the best of the british films but amusing nonetheless and worth watching if your into your British rom-com's.

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