Tuesday 22 March 2011

The Lovely Bones - Peter Jackson

I read the book recently and wanted to see the film. I think its probably one of the best films i have seen for a while.  Now i am not one to be upset that the book doesn't match up with the film because i understand you cant always portray the book in vision and visa versa. However i think Jackson did a very good job of interpreting the book.  I thought the book was good but a bit to commercial however the film did it justice and i actually loved the film. Although he did miss out a few key points, he made up for this in the way he portrayed the story in which i think enhanced the film. Their is one point of the Novel that really pissed me off and i didn't like what Alice Seabold did with it in the novel (I wont spoil the actual point). However it was portrayed in a much nicer way in the film which i thought was impressive.

In conclusion i really enjoyed this film, and think it should be one to see.  I was fully gripped by this film, and it did get me a little emotional. I thought it was well casted.  I also loved some of the symbolism in this film, through the use of modern technology he can really use beautiful effects to highlight his points. I think visually it was very well done.  Fantastic. 

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