Tuesday 22 March 2011

Narcissa and the valley of the wind - Studio Ghibli

One of the studios first films in 1984, portraying environmental and post apocalyptic undertones. The story is based on a toxic world, polluted by humans. Most of the world in is ruin, taken over by the Sea of Decay, toxic plant life which kill when breathed in.  The only survivors are a few scattered villages and some insects (terrifyingly large ones).  Narcissa is the princess of the Valley of the Wind try's to save the world by working with the insects and the toxic plants.  However in a typical good vs evil plot their are those who want to 'save the world' by burning it and starting again.  A war breaks out over competing villages both who believe they are doing the right thing to stop the Sea of Decay spreading.

Although slightly dated this does not divert from the beauty of this film.  It portrays a world full of decay and toxic waste, a consequence of human life. Their is one girl who stands out, a peace maker, one who can talk with nature, and has harnessed the wind.  She is a strong character who tries to save the world by working in harmony with it, something Western society is failing to do, and so portrays a beautiful message about what we are currently doing to our planet.  The drawing in this film is wonderful and you can really get a sense of the darkness and the evil that surrounds the world, with the beauty underneath, i.e. under the sea of decay is a pure world. This film has great shots of sweeping landscapes and the insignificance of human life within this world.  I loved this film, and thought it was one of the better ones that Ghibli has made.

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