Monday 11 April 2011

Blood Diamond - Edward Zwick

Blood Diamond, follows the story of diamond hunting in Sierra Leone.  The rebels want the diamonds to purchase weapons, the government want to crack down on illegal diamond hunting.  We follow Danny (Leo DiCaprio), a diamond smuggler, who gets caught up in doing the right thing, alongside wanting to exploit the rare diamond for what it is. The farmer (Dijimon Hounsou) who finds the rare diamond, who just wants to rescue his family.  And the journalist (Jennifer Connelly) who wants to exploit the stories of Blood Diamonds.

I am not always a huge fan of these types of films but it was cheep and it looked quite interesting.  Overall i quite enjoyed this film, following a story line i'm not so familiar with, but was quite interesting.  A little bit predictable, with a few twists and turns.  A few good acting moments and a few really dodgy ones.  I think it was nice you weren't always sure what side Danny was on, and depending on the situation you saw both the baddy and the goody in him.   Although Danny (aka Leo DiCaprio) did have a very dodgy accent throughout and it just didn't seem natural made me laugh throughout this film.

Overall quite a good little blockbuster film from Hollywood, interesting plot line, some dodgy accents and a wee bit of predicability, and not so complicated you could easily follow the story.

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