Monday 11 April 2011

Zombieland - Ruben Fleischer

Zombieland is a comedy about the world taken over by Zombies.  Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) is scared of everything but somehow managed to survived so far,  Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) is on a mission to find a Twinkie, join forces with Wichita (Emma Stone) and her kid sister Little Rock (Abigail Breslin) who just want to find their way to pleasure-land for some last time fun.

I thought this was a great little comedy.  The casting was good, funny and the film generally made me laugh.  Typical of your zombie films you had you classics, but instead of slow moving Zombies, these ones could run.  Following Columbus zombie survival rules, was always a laugh, and Tallahassee who was your general hard man, just wanted a Twinkie.

This film didn't really end (well not the way you expected) but had a nice comedy ending that went well with the film.  I enjoyed this film and thought it was a good comedy worth watching.

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