Thursday 14 April 2011


Rio, is the story of Blue, a captive Blue Macaw, who has to travel to Rio De Janeiro to meet a female to save his species.  They get in all sorts of trouble which is hindered by the fact that Blue can't fly.

I Had the luxury of seeing this at the cinema (and i say luxury because its bloody expensive these days to go to the cinema), in 3D.  I expected it to be good, with mostly entertainment value.  Being a avid fan of animation, I usually can gage a film before I see it.  I knew this wasn't going to be the standards of Pixar, or some of the better smaller studios films, and I expected it to be good in a funny kids film type of way.

I think seeing it at the cinema helps, they have the surround sound, the 3D glasses and the feeling your emerged in the theatre.  Rio was a good film in the way that they captured the atmosphere of the carnival, with some good songs (which stuck nicely to the kind of music you would expect at Rio during their festive period).  I found some of jokes funny, I found the film amusing, and I enjoyed the experience.  I think that this film would be on Par to Ice Age 3, and that Bly Sky studios can make some good (not excellent) animation films.

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