Tuesday 19 April 2011

Eat, Pray, Love

Eat, Pray, Love is the story of Liz, who has a messy divorce and travels the world to find herself and who she is. She goes to Italy to enjoy the good food, and company. She then travels to India where she prays and finally to Bali where she falls in Love.

Eat Pray Love, is a soppy rom com film.  Its about every woman's dream to travel the world, meet fantastic people (and nothing bad happens), and you happen to pick up the language very easily and quickly, and finally fall in love. (Oh and to eat lots of food and never put on any weight).  Julie Roberts, plays the 30 Something woman who has been married before but it is prophesied that this wont work out and she spends a year finding herself again, eventually ending up reunited with the original man who prophesied her life.

This film is incredibly soppy, fantasy, and very predictable. Its typical of the Hollywood perfect love story where everything works out despite it being 'movie' difficult, i.e nothing really bad happens but the character learns and grows through well timed obstacles, like oh i can never fall in love again, i've forgotten how to meditate, food just doesn't taste good anymore.  Nevertheless its quite amusing, entertaining and easy enough just to sit back and enjoy.  Good enough film, and apparently the books better (but I never got around to reading it).

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