Tuesday 12 April 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part One

This is part one of the seventh film based on the stories of Harry Potter.  Harry Potter has left school and a war has broken out which only Harry can stop. Harry, Ron and Hermonine have to go into hiding and try to figure out how to kill Voldemort.  This film is the general build up to the final battle between Harry Potter and Voldemort.

I read all the Harry Potter books (finally) last year, then brought the lego video game, then brought the box set and watched the first six films within a week, so it was only logical I brought this film the day it came out and watched it straight away.

These films, as they have progressed have got better and better, and this one was no exception. Despite being a build up film, a lot happened in it to keep you gripped and on the edge of your seat. I am glad they split it into two films, as a lot happens in the concluding novel and it was nice to not see it squashed into one short film.  Instead they have spread it out nicely (I hope not seeing the second part until it comes out) over the two films.  Its also to see how the acting has matured and got better as they have got older and they have all learnt from previous mistakes.

If you enjoyed the Harry Potter books you will not be disappointed with the film, unless your nitpicky about the bits they leave out.  If you haven't read the books, (and why not), then the film is very good to watch to get the gist of the story, and captures the heart of Harry Potter and his friends very well.

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